
Undocumented in source.
interface ID3D11VideoContext : ID3D11DeviceChild {}



HRESULT ConfigureAuthenticatedChannel(ID3D11AuthenticatedChannel pChannel, uint InputSize, void* pInput, D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_OUTPUT* pOutput)
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HRESULT DecoderBeginFrame(ID3D11VideoDecoder pDecoder, ID3D11VideoDecoderOutputView pView, uint ContentKeySize, void* pContentKey)
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HRESULT DecoderEndFrame(ID3D11VideoDecoder pDecoder)
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HRESULT DecoderExtension(ID3D11VideoDecoder pDecoder, D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_EXTENSION* pExtensionData)
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HRESULT DecryptionBlt(ID3D11CryptoSession pCryptoSession, ID3D11Texture2D pSrcSurface, ID3D11Texture2D pDstSurface, D3D11_ENCRYPTED_BLOCK_INFO* pEncryptedBlockInfo, void* pContentKey, uint ContentKeySize, void* pIV, uint IVSize)
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HRESULT EncryptionBlt(ID3D11CryptoSession pCryptoSession, ID3D11Texture2D pSrcSurface, ID3D11Texture2D pDstSurface, void* pIV, uint IVSize)
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HRESULT FinishSessionKeyRefresh(ID3D11CryptoSession pCryptoSession)
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HRESULT GetDecoderBuffer(ID3D11VideoDecoder pDecoder, D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_TYPE Type, uint* pBufferSize, void** ppBuffer)
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HRESULT GetEncryptionBltKey(ID3D11CryptoSession pCryptoSession, uint KeySize, void* pReadbackKey)
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HRESULT NegotiateAuthenticatedChannelKeyExchange(ID3D11AuthenticatedChannel pChannel, uint DataSize, void* pData)
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HRESULT NegotiateCryptoSessionKeyExchange(ID3D11CryptoSession pCryptoSession, uint* DataSize, void* pData)
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HRESULT QueryAuthenticatedChannel(ID3D11AuthenticatedChannel pChannel, uint InputSize, void* pInput, uint OutputSize, void* pOutput)
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HRESULT ReleaseDecoderBuffer(ID3D11VideoDecoder pDecoder, D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_TYPE Type)
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HRESULT StartSessionKeyRefresh(ID3D11CryptoSession pCryptoSession, uint RandomNumberSize, void* pRandomNumber)
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HRESULT SubmitDecoderBuffers(ID3D11VideoDecoder pDecoder, uint NumBuffers, D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_DESC* pBufferDesc)
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HRESULT VideoProcessorBlt(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, ID3D11VideoProcessorOutputView pView, uint OutputFrame, uint StreamCount, D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STREAM* pStreams)
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void VideoProcessorGetOutputAlphaFillMode(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALPHA_FILL_MODE* pAlphaFillMode, uint* pStreamIndex)
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void VideoProcessorGetOutputBackgroundColor(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, bool* pYCbCr, D3D11_VIDEO_COLOR* pColor)
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void VideoProcessorGetOutputColorSpace(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_COLOR_SPACE* pColorSpace)
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void VideoProcessorGetOutputConstriction(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, bool* Enabled, SIZE* pSize)
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HRESULT VideoProcessorGetOutputExtension(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, GUID* pExtensionGuid, uint DataSize, void* pData)
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void VideoProcessorGetOutputStereoMode(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, bool* pEnabled)
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void VideoProcessorGetOutputTargetRect(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, bool* Enabled, RECT* pRect)
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void VideoProcessorGetStreamAlpha(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, bool* pEnabled, float* pAlpha)
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void VideoProcessorGetStreamAutoProcessingMode(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, bool* pEnabled)
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void VideoProcessorGetStreamColorSpace(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_COLOR_SPACE* pColorSpace)
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void VideoProcessorGetStreamDestRect(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, bool* pEnabled, RECT* pRect)
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HRESULT VideoProcessorGetStreamExtension(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, GUID* pExtensionGuid, uint DataSize, void* pData)
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void VideoProcessorGetStreamFilter(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER Filter, bool* pEnabled, int* pLevel)
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void VideoProcessorGetStreamFrameFormat(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, D3D11_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT* pFrameFormat)
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void VideoProcessorGetStreamLumaKey(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, bool* pEnabled, float* pLower, float* pUpper)
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void VideoProcessorGetStreamOutputRate(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_OUTPUT_RATE* pOutputRate, bool* pRepeatFrame, DXGI_RATIONAL* pCustomRate)
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void VideoProcessorGetStreamPalette(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, uint Count, uint* pEntries)
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void VideoProcessorGetStreamPixelAspectRatio(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, bool* pEnabled, DXGI_RATIONAL* pSourceAspectRatio, DXGI_RATIONAL* pDestinationAspectRatio)
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void VideoProcessorGetStreamRotation(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, bool* pEnable, D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ROTATION* pRotation)
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void VideoProcessorGetStreamSourceRect(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, bool* pEnabled, RECT* pRect)
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void VideoProcessorGetStreamStereoFormat(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, bool* pEnabled, D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FORMAT* pFormat, bool* pLeftViewFrame0, bool* pBaseViewFrame0, D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FLIP_MODE* pFlipMode, int* MonoOffset)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void VideoProcessorSetOutputAlphaFillMode(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALPHA_FILL_MODE AlphaFillMode, uint StreamIndex)
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void VideoProcessorSetOutputBackgroundColor(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, bool YCbCr, D3D11_VIDEO_COLOR* pColor)
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void VideoProcessorSetOutputColorSpace(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_COLOR_SPACE* pColorSpace)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void VideoProcessorSetOutputConstriction(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, bool Enable, SIZE Size)
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HRESULT VideoProcessorSetOutputExtension(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, GUID* pExtensionGuid, uint DataSize, void* pData)
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void VideoProcessorSetOutputStereoMode(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, bool Enable)
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void VideoProcessorSetOutputTargetRect(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, bool Enable, RECT* pRect)
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void VideoProcessorSetStreamAlpha(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, bool Enable, float Alpha)
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void VideoProcessorSetStreamAutoProcessingMode(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, bool Enable)
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void VideoProcessorSetStreamColorSpace(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_COLOR_SPACE* pColorSpace)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void VideoProcessorSetStreamDestRect(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, bool Enable, RECT* pRect)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
HRESULT VideoProcessorSetStreamExtension(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, GUID* pExtensionGuid, uint DataSize, void* pData)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void VideoProcessorSetStreamFilter(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER Filter, bool Enable, int Level)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void VideoProcessorSetStreamFrameFormat(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, D3D11_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT FrameFormat)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void VideoProcessorSetStreamLumaKey(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, bool Enable, float Lower, float Upper)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void VideoProcessorSetStreamOutputRate(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_OUTPUT_RATE OutputRate, bool RepeatFrame, DXGI_RATIONAL* pCustomRate)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void VideoProcessorSetStreamPalette(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, uint Count, uint* pEntries)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void VideoProcessorSetStreamPixelAspectRatio(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, bool Enable, DXGI_RATIONAL* pSourceAspectRatio, DXGI_RATIONAL* pDestinationAspectRatio)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void VideoProcessorSetStreamRotation(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, bool Enable, D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ROTATION Rotation)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void VideoProcessorSetStreamSourceRect(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, bool Enable, RECT* pRect)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
void VideoProcessorSetStreamStereoFormat(ID3D11VideoProcessor pVideoProcessor, uint StreamIndex, bool Enable, D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FORMAT Format, bool LeftViewFrame0, bool BaseViewFrame0, D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FLIP_MODE FlipMode, int MonoOffset)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.

Inherited Members

From ID3D11DeviceChild

void GetDevice(ID3D11Device** ppDevice)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
HRESULT GetPrivateData(GUID* guid, uint* pDataSize, void* pData)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
HRESULT SetPrivateData(GUID* guid, uint DataSize, void* pData)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
HRESULT SetPrivateDataInterface(GUID* guid, IUnknown pData)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
