- GetFeatureMask
uint GetFeatureMask()
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- GetPresentPerRenderOpDelay
uint GetPresentPerRenderOpDelay()
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- GetSwapChain
HRESULT GetSwapChain(IDXGISwapChain* ppSwapChain)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- ReportLiveDeviceObjects
HRESULT ReportLiveDeviceObjects(D3D11_RLDO_FLAGS Flags)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- SetFeatureMask
HRESULT SetFeatureMask(uint Mask)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- SetPresentPerRenderOpDelay
HRESULT SetPresentPerRenderOpDelay(uint Milliseconds)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- SetSwapChain
HRESULT SetSwapChain(IDXGISwapChain pSwapChain)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- ValidateContext
HRESULT ValidateContext(ID3D11DeviceContext pContext)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- ValidateContextForDispatch
HRESULT ValidateContextForDispatch(ID3D11DeviceContext pContext)
Undocumented in source but is binding to Windows. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.