
Undocumented in source.
interface ID3D12GraphicsCommandList : ID3D12CommandList {}



void BeginEvent(uint Metadata, void* pData, uint Size)
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void BeginQuery(ID3D12QueryHeap pQueryHeap, D3D12_QUERY_TYPE Type, uint Index)
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void ClearDepthStencilView(D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE DepthStencilView, D3D12_CLEAR_FLAGS ClearFlags, float Depth, ubyte Stencil, uint NumRects, D3D12_RECT* pRects)
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void ClearRenderTargetView(D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE RenderTargetView, float[4] ColorRGBA, uint NumRects, D3D12_RECT* pRects)
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void ClearState(ID3D12PipelineState pPipelineState)
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void ClearUnorderedAccessViewFloat(D3D12_GPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE ViewGPUHandleInCurrentHeap, D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE ViewCPUHandle, ID3D12Resource pResource, float[4] Values, uint NumRects, D3D12_RECT* pRects)
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void ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint(D3D12_GPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE ViewGPUHandleInCurrentHeap, D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE ViewCPUHandle, ID3D12Resource pResource, uint[4] Values, uint NumRects, D3D12_RECT* pRects)
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void CopyBufferRegion(ID3D12Resource pDstBuffer, ulong DstOffset, ID3D12Resource pSrcBuffer, ulong SrcOffset, ulong NumBytes)
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void CopyResource(ID3D12Resource pDstResource, ID3D12Resource pSrcResource)
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void CopyTextureRegion(D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_LOCATION* pDst, uint DstX, uint DstY, uint DstZ, D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_LOCATION* pSrc, D3D12_BOX* pSrcBox)
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void CopyTiles(ID3D12Resource pTiledResource, D3D12_TILED_RESOURCE_COORDINATE* pTileRegionStartCoordinate, D3D12_TILE_REGION_SIZE* pTileRegionSize, ID3D12Resource pBuffer, ulong BufferStartOffsetInBytes, D3D12_TILE_COPY_FLAGS Flags)
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void DiscardResource(ID3D12Resource pResource, D3D12_DISCARD_REGION* pRegion)
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void Dispatch(uint ThreadGroupCountX, uint ThreadGroupCountY, uint ThreadGroupCountZ)
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void DrawIndexedInstanced(uint IndexCountPerInstance, uint InstanceCount, uint StartIndexLocation, int BaseVertexLocation, uint StartInstanceLocation)
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void DrawInstanced(uint VertexCountPerInstance, uint InstanceCount, uint StartVertexLocation, uint StartInstanceLocation)
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void EndEvent()
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void EndQuery(ID3D12QueryHeap pQueryHeap, D3D12_QUERY_TYPE Type, uint Index)
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void ExecuteBundle(ID3D12GraphicsCommandList pCommandList)
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void ExecuteIndirect(ID3D12CommandSignature pCommandSignature, uint MaxCommandCount, ID3D12Resource pArgumentBuffer, ulong ArgumentBufferOffset, ID3D12Resource pCountBuffer, ulong CountBufferOffset)
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void IASetIndexBuffer(D3D12_INDEX_BUFFER_VIEW* pView)
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void IASetPrimitiveTopology(D3D12_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY PrimitiveTopology)
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void IASetVertexBuffers(uint StartSlot, uint NumViews, D3D12_VERTEX_BUFFER_VIEW* pViews)
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void OMSetBlendFactor(float[4] BlendFactor)
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void OMSetRenderTargets(uint NumRenderTargetDescriptors, D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE* pRenderTargetDescriptors, bool RTsSingleHandleToDescriptorRange, D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE* pDepthStencilDescriptor)
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void OMSetStencilRef(uint StencilRef)
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void RSSetScissorRects(uint NumRects, D3D12_RECT* pRects)
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void RSSetViewports(uint NumViewports, D3D12_VIEWPORT* pViewports)
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HRESULT Reset(ID3D12CommandAllocator pAllocator, ID3D12PipelineState pInitialState)
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void ResolveQueryData(ID3D12QueryHeap pQueryHeap, D3D12_QUERY_TYPE Type, uint StartIndex, uint NumQueries, ID3D12Resource pDestinationBuffer, ulong AlignedDestinationBufferOffset)
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void ResolveSubresource(ID3D12Resource pDstResource, uint DstSubresource, ID3D12Resource pSrcResource, uint SrcSubresource, DXGI_FORMAT Format)
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void ResourceBarrier(uint NumBarriers, D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER* pBarriers)
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void SOSetTargets(uint StartSlot, uint NumViews, D3D12_STREAM_OUTPUT_BUFFER_VIEW* pViews)
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void SetComputeRoot32BitConstant(uint RootParameterIndex, uint SrcData, uint DestOffsetIn32BitValues)
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void SetComputeRoot32BitConstants(uint RootParameterIndex, uint Num32BitValuesToSet, void* pSrcData, uint DestOffsetIn32BitValues)
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void SetComputeRootConstantBufferView(uint RootParameterIndex, D3D12_GPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS BufferLocation)
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void SetComputeRootDescriptorTable(uint RootParameterIndex, D3D12_GPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE BaseDescriptor)
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void SetComputeRootShaderResourceView(uint RootParameterIndex, D3D12_GPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS BufferLocation)
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void SetComputeRootSignature(ID3D12RootSignature pRootSignature)
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void SetComputeRootUnorderedAccessView(uint RootParameterIndex, D3D12_GPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS BufferLocation)
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void SetDescriptorHeaps(uint NumDescriptorHeaps, const(ID3D12DescriptorHeap)* ppDescriptorHeaps)
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void SetGraphicsRoot32BitConstant(uint RootParameterIndex, uint SrcData, uint DestOffsetIn32BitValues)
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void SetGraphicsRoot32BitConstants(uint RootParameterIndex, uint Num32BitValuesToSet, void* pSrcData, uint DestOffsetIn32BitValues)
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void SetGraphicsRootConstantBufferView(uint RootParameterIndex, D3D12_GPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS BufferLocation)
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void SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable(uint RootParameterIndex, D3D12_GPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE BaseDescriptor)
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void SetGraphicsRootShaderResourceView(uint RootParameterIndex, D3D12_GPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS BufferLocation)
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void SetGraphicsRootSignature(ID3D12RootSignature pRootSignature)
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void SetGraphicsRootUnorderedAccessView(uint RootParameterIndex, D3D12_GPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS BufferLocation)
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void SetMarker(uint Metadata, void* pData, uint Size)
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void SetPipelineState(ID3D12PipelineState pPipelineState)
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void SetPredication(ID3D12Resource pBuffer, ulong AlignedBufferOffset, D3D12_PREDICATION_OP Operation)
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Inherited Members

From ID3D12CommandList

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